Saturday, July 16, 2016

Earn Bitcoins Solving Captcha

Aside from earning bitcoins from faucets and mining, you can also earn bitcoins by solving captchas. So what are captchas? Well, this is a program or system intended to distinguish human from machine input, typically as a way of thwarting spam and automated extraction of data from websites. And you are actually solving captchas when you are using the different faucets.
One good site that I am using to earn bitcoins typing captchas is 2captcha. You can earn as much as $0.50 per 1000 captchas solved. I know that is not that much but if you have nothing else to do then at least this is one way to waste your time while earning. It is free to join and you can get paid through Webmoney, Payza, Perfect MOney, and of course Bitcoin. If you are too lazy to type, go ahead and take advantage of the referral system and get 10% from your affiliate earnings and 10% from a your partner bought on the service ( when, your partner spends money, sending captcha to a software, registering in the catalog, 10% deducted software developers, and you get only 5% of its expenditure on the captcha).

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